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تاریخ انتشار: Saturday 20 February 2021
Parsiname- A Magazine for Persian Language Learners

  Parsiname- A Magazine for Persian Language Learners

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“Parsiname” is an educational magazine with cultural-literary content, targeting foreign Persian learners.

This magazine is prepared at International Center for Teaching Persian to Non-Persian Speakers (Aazfa) of Alzahra University. The first issue of this quarterly was published two years ago, in fall 2019 both electronically and in print. So far, three issues of Parsiname have been published and the fourth issue is ready to be published.  
"Parsiname" is certainly the first specialized and educational magazine for Persian learners in Iran, which offers a variety of materials to introduce Iranian culture and literature. This magazine also teaches Persian language through different entertainments such as crossword, riddle and joke.

Parsiname quarterly tries to attract foreign Persian learners by considering various educational criteria and offering entertaining content. The criteria include:

  • Leveled content: The content of the magazine is prepared in three levels of introductory, intermediate and advanced. The guide for this leveling is given at the beginning of the magazine for Persian learners.
  • The educational objective of the magazine: The first objective of this magazine is training and education. This magazine contains various educational entertainments and exercises that require Persian learners to think and search.
  • Provide definitions for difficult words and expressions: The meaning of difficult words and expressions is given in the footnote.
  • The interactive nature of magazine: Persian language learners’ activities do not end with finding answers to the questions and exercises; rather, concerning the interactive nature of the magazine, they can send their responses to the magazine's email, Instagram, Telegram or Facebook. They can also see the answers in the next issue as well.
  • The diversity of contents: The magazine covers a variety of materials such as Iranology, poetry, stories, news, sports and entertainment including riddles, crosswords and jokes, cooking and recipe of Iranian food, health and hygiene, introduction and criticism of films, teaching words, expression and grammar.
  • “Persian learners’ writings”: One part of magazine is allocated to the writings of the Persian learners. In so far as one of the objectives of this magazine is to motivate foreign Persian learners, one part is dedicated to them to publish their writings under their real name.

The editorial board members of "Parsiname" are specialized and experienced teachers of Persian language who supervise the preparation of the content and are currently responsible for writing part of the content. Moreover, the Aazfa teachers and Persian learners can send their content to magazine to be published under their name after reviewing process. 

  • Parsiname- A Magazine for Persian Language Learners
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